
Dia of Railway Wheel

Wheels used on road - rail vehicles are usually smaller than wheels on other types of rolling stock, such as locomotives or carriages.


This is because the rail wheels must be stored off the ground when the vehicle is in drive mode - such rail wheels can be as small as 245 mm (9.65 inches) in diameter.


Rail wheels for road - rail vehicles should meet the requirements of AS7514.4, which is the standard for wheels on infrastructure maintenance vehicles.


We are a professional rail wheel manufacturer, please pay attention to us for more information.

Maanshan Kingrail Technology Co.,ltd

Kingrail Parts is a one-stop service for train parts product design, production, logistics and distribution. Professional and experienced technical and marketing team guarantees that Kingrail Parts products are competitive in the international market, no MOQ competitive products: rail wheels, draft gear, bogie, wagon, rail brake system, passenger car parts, locomotive parts etc...

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