Train Axles

Railroad Axles Request Quote

Railroad Axles


Railroad Axles. Precision Engineering. precise tolerances. Harsh process.


Kingrail Parts sets a higher standard for axle performance. From ingot to finished product, we manufacture every axle for the heavy-duty market without any tolerances. Our manufacturing processes, testing and technology are as harsh and demanding as the railcar environment that axles must withstand every day.


Our production capacity:

1. The most advanced axle facilities in the world

2. In advanced axle manufacturing plants, our fully automated manufacturing systems provide greater precision and efficiency, ensuring that each axle meets the strictest industry specifications. Every year we can produce up to 32,000 axles and ship them to a growing customer base on five continents.

No matter what type of axle, we can do it.

3. By utilizing the latest innovations and technologies, our factory can produce a wider variety of axle designs with shorter lead times. Today, Kingrail Parts manufactures over 65 different types of railroad axles and has the capability to manufacture almost any type of railroad axle used in the world today. We can even customize the axles to meet your requirements.

4. With excellent data tracking during manufacturing, we are able to electronically track each axle and monitor its progress. We can also provide our clients with a complete genealogy upon request so that you have an effective tool to preserve your axle history.



1. Forging and heat treatment

2. Roughing; +0.05" (1mm) tolerance

3. Semi-finished product; approximately 0.20 inch of abrasive

4. Finished; +0.0005" (0.05mm) tolerance

Manufacturing process:

1. Quality control eliminates doubts

2. Zero tolerance for mistakes is built into every step of our manufacturing process. Checkpoints along the way help ensure all tolerances are met and axles are not shipped unless they meet the strictest industry specifications. Furthermore, the wider use of automation removes human variability. By maintaining the strictest quality control standards, you can rest assured that we don't just offer high performance axles, but 24/7 peace of mind.

3. Advantages of raw materials

4. Proximity to major factories

5. All materials are stored inside

6. Precise chemical and physical quality control

7. Precise weighing and length control

8. Faster forging

9. The fastest radial forged GFM machine in the world

10. Executes 2500 molding steps per minute while maintaining the tightest industry tolerances

Precise position control produces near-net-shape forming shafts

11. Process Inspection/Monitoring

12. Capable of handling raw materials up to 18.6 inches in diameter and 1.9 tons

13. Forged lengths up to 20 feet

14. Steel takes away heat

15. Furnaces capable of heating steel above 1950°F

16. Can heat treat parts up to 3,500 lbs.

17. Analyse the chemical and mechanical properties of the steel after heat treatment to ensure proper structure

18. Machined to the tightest tolerances

19. Fully automatic system with multiple lathes to combine end face/centering/drilling/

20. Tapping Machine Capability

21. Able to produce axles at one axle in less than 5 minutes

22. Achieve excellent shaft tolerances: Tolerances within +_ 0.0001 inches


Quality assurance:

1. Precision forged for world-class performance

2. The Axle Division of Kingrail Parts manufactures a complete line of axle designs to suit your needs - from freight wagon axles to locomotive axles to transport and straight axles. Each axle is manufactured to the highest standards of precision, consistency, quality and reliability, so each axle is ISO 9000 certified.

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