Draft Gear

Railroad Coupler Parts
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Railroad Coupler Parts


Kingrail Parts offers a full line of OEM certified replacement parts and assemblies.


All coupler knuckles and parts are manufactured to AAR specifications and undergo rigorous testing for material quality and product interchangeability. All standard E, F, H transport and solid knuckles for locomotive applications are manufactured in China.


Coupler operating parts

Locks, lock lifters and knuckle throwers


1. Freight car coupler lock

Coupler lock

E, F, Swivel and Locomotive Coupler Locks


2. AAR Coupler Lock Lifter

Coupling lock lifter

Type E, Type F, Swivel and Coupler Lock Lifters


3. Freight Car Coupler - Knuckle Thrower

Knuckle thrower

Type E, Type F, Rotary and Locomotive Knuckle Throwers


Coupling system Operating parts

AAR approved couplers, yokes, and E and F-M216 knuckles. All castings are 100% hardness tested, measured, MPI inspected, assembled and operated to ensure quality. Available as separate coupler bodies or fully assembled accessories.


Coupler operating parts

1. Knuckles

2. Knuckle Throwers

3. Locks

4. Lock lift

5. Knuckle and coupler connecting pin


Sales and Support

We have quality rail parts and equipment if you need market leading expertise, products and support. Please contact us.

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