Train Wheels and Axles

Railcar Roller Bearing Adapters Request Quote

Railcar Roller Bearing Adapters


Railcar Roller Bearing Adapters

Elastomeric base pad bearing adapter design improves axle-to-rail wheel-set alignment. Unlike traditional adapters with full iron, elastic pads allow for controlled wheelset force-reducing movement in curves. Railcar roller bearing adapters improve bending and rolling resistance and reduce wear on the top of the side frame base, thrust lugs, bearing adapter crowns and bearing adapter lug areas.


Product Information


1. In curves above 2 degrees, the life of the rail is increased by 50%.

2. 25% increase in wheelset life.

3. Fuel consumption is reduced by 6%-8%.

4. The truck rebuild interval has been increased by 35%.


Production Line

1. Adapter pads - Elastomeric base pads and adapters



1. M-976 can be used for 100 ton truck and 100 ton HD truck.

2. Unlike other designs, no special side frame modifications are required.

3. Excellent bending performance with passive steering.

4. Available in 6 x 11, 6-1/2 x 9, 6-1/2 x 12 and 7 x 12. International designs available.

5. Customer has experienced over 1,000,000 service miles.

6. Nearly two decades of field service with thousands of vehicles in operation today.

7. Eliminates side frame base roof wear and thrust lug wear.

8. Replace the base roof wear plate.

9. Eliminates bearing adapter wear.

10. Eliminate metal-to-metal contact.

11. Wheel life increases as corner lateral force decreases.

12. Easily retrofits all existing HD Wedge or SSRM trucks.

13. Roller bearing life increases as lateral force and vertical shock decrease.

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